Social media has evolved through the years. From previously just being a storage space for pictures and sharing with friends, social media is now an avenue for promotion, commerce, and basically everything happening in society. You can now even use social media to find a job.
Chris Grasso presented in Social Media Today how to use the social media platforms LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook to find your next job.

LinkedIn provides the perfect opportunity to connect with potential employers. You can use the job search tool for lists of jobs available in your area.
It is not impossible to make contact with future employers with just 140 characters. You can make a separate profile just for sending relevant and interesting tweets that could impress potential employers out there.
You can use Pinterest to show your previous works so employers can see a glimpse of your potentials and capabilities.
You can use the “like” button to keep you updated with job openings in companies you would want to work for. Companies usually post their links in Facebook; and that is an advantage for their followers.
Social media is a better alternative to the other preparations you could have thought before job-hunting.
Chris also cautioned on what you post on those platforms as it will be a reflection of who you are as a person. Keep it professional.
Read the full article on using social media to find a job, here.