Social media is often used by event marketers at various times throughout an event.

eMarketer reports a study by FreemanXP and Event Marketing Institute on how social media is used by marketers to extend the reach and visibility of events.

Data was segregated according to the time 1. before the event, 2. during the event, and 3. after the event. The most effective platform during the aforementioned periods was also presented.

Before the Event


Using Social Media Before Events
Using Social Media Before Events


Most effective social media platforms for pre-event marketing and promotion:

Twitter-Logo-3 facebooklinkedin

During the Event

Marketers use social media for:

  • Promote specific event elements and features.
  • Posting and sharing photos and content.
  • Promote education and content or contests and giveaways.
  • Amplify product announcements.
  • Measure and assess the experience and feedback.

Most effective social media platforms for marketing during the event:




After the Event:

Using Social Media After Events
Using Social Media After Events


Most effective social media platforms for post-event marketing:

facebook youtube Twitter-Logo-3